KWASU VC Letter Of Condolence To The Family Of Late Prof. Sunday Otokiti

Check the letter below... 

Dear University Community,

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of Prof. Sunday Otokiti, Director, KWASU Consultancy Services and formerly HOD, Department of Business and Entrepreneurship.

Prof. Otokiti joined KWASU as a full-time staff in 2014, after serving on a KWASU committee to develop post graduate studies in Business Administration. He was among the topmost professors for our University. His death is a serious loss to this young University.

I spoke to his daughter and son yesterday evening and I expect more information from them about burial arrangements.

KWASU has lost one of its most loyal, hard working, brilliant, dedicated, honest, and visionary professors. I pray to God Almighty to console his family and all of us who have had opportunity to work closely with him, especially his students who were always dearest to his heart.

Prof. Otokiti developed for KWASU, along with Prof Nasar, HOD, Accounting, Finance and Banking, the prostgraduate program in Business Studies thus ushering in postgraduate studies in KWASU. He founded in KWASU the first ever Business Laboratory in any University in Nigeria. He was a straight thinker and had so much love for our dear campus. He led efforts to clean up the campus as Chair of a committee, and was always involved in plans to make KWASU great. He was never tired when it came to teaching and mentoring his students (undergraduate, postgraduate, top-up, etc), and it is doubtful there is any KWASU professor today who taught more courses and met more students and mentored more students than Prof. Otokiti! His death is a serious blow to the teaming population of KWASU students who saw him as a father, teacher and mentor.

Please join me in sending messages of condolence and heart-felt sympathy to his family. His daughter is a member of academic staff of KWASU in Business and Entrepreneurship.

I was about to draft a message yesterday to fecilitate with staff and students on the Holidays, especially to send best wishes for 2017, when I got the sad news.

My dear members of KWASU Community, let us continue to pray to God Almighty to continue to support KWASU and ensure that this kind of tragedy never again occur. May God give all KWASU staff and students long lives, prosperity and make 2017 and beyond great years of peace, progress and continued achievements for every KWASU person and for our University! Amin.

I hereby declare three days of mourning for the remembrance of our distinguished Sunday Otokiti, and all flags on campus be put at half mast. Please use this period to pray for him and show solidarity with his family.

Thank you all, and see you around.


Prof. AbdulRasheed Na'Allah, PhD (Alberta)

Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive

Kwara State University, Malete

P.M.B 1530

Ilorin, Kwara State


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