KWASU ATMS: Midwives to hooliganism? -Biyatife

It is often said that action begets reaction. Hooliganism, which can be said to be a mode of conduct that is unruly and aggressive, also has a force that compels its reaction. This impeccably describes what occurs in the environs of the automatic teller machines in the university. Officially, the machine was designed to ease cash transaction with banks, but can this be said about the ATMs in Kwasu? The only time these machines are free from crowds are either at mid-night when the machine is not working due to poor power supply, poor network, or when the money in it is finished. For this reason, every minute the machine works is glorified an over-crowded.

The machine mostly work in the daytime, and daytimes at Kwasu is largely characterized by a high-level of heat being emitted from the sagging Sun. heat is unarguably no friends with man, when emitted directly from the worse it is often worse however, this was not put into the slimmest consideration, even by those who constructed the ATMS at the Kwara State University. The ATM closest to the admin block was built with no consideration whatsoever for privacy, or the heat from Sun, while the one that is directly in front of  the college of law, (formerly college of engineering) protects only the person withdrawing from the sun. a third ATM has just commenced operations at the Garden Royale.

These three ATMs that work for approximately 8 hours daily, can be said to be insufficient for about six thousand, or more students. Grossly Insufficient. The result of this is an unruly aggressive reaction from the students, not against the managements, but against their fellow student. These ATMs have made hooligans  out of the most peaceful students in the nation. The ATM centreshave then turned into a boxing ring where the fat-muscled excels.

What can be done?

The management in her magnaninmiy and grace could help attract more student banking deals for her incessantly growing student-populace.also, the banks could make provison for pavilions that could protrude long enough to cater for students who are learning the civility of adherence to queues. The safety unit would also do well by stationing an official permanently to maintain order, sanity, sanctity, and civility.

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