INSIGHT: Vision And Time

Whatever is considered to be out of date is useless and irrelevant to all ecc3:1,everything has its time and purpose of usefullness.

Their is a time to be born and their is a time to die,their is a time to be a child and their is a time to be an adult,their is a time to sleep and their is a time to wake up,their is a time to plan and their is a time to execute the plan hab 2:3.

No wonder the bible says the glory of the youth is in their strength, this is to remind us that a time is coming when the strength will be depreciating. At this time opportunities might not beckon again because the strength to run around is no longer their.

To be youthful and useful is to be youthful and have a vision or plans because without vision there is no manifestation. the opportunities will be feasible because their is strength to manifest the opportunities seen.

What you can't see you can't seize because it is what you can see that you can capture, Also remember that what you record you recall and that you need vision to get to the top. Remember also that the time to plan is now because procrastination kills faster than HIV/aids.

A life left to chance is a life left to chain because you cannot move ahead until you see beyond where you are and remember that your desire to be like everybody is the reason why you will become nobody because that leaves you to be a pacecatcher and not a pacesetter.
Only the pacesetter would become record breaker and this can be realised by setting goals and making plans how to achieve it. Be a visionary, set goal,make plans,set time limits, use your strength wisely.

Time and vision makes the big difference between the pacecatcher and the pace setter,be wise,be a planner. Vision is key, Time is precious.

From omidiji o moses

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